Thursday, April 7, 2011

snips and snails and puppy dog tails

although big kid C is no longer impressed by my "singing", baby L has moved into position of unsuspecting fan. between clapping and holding up her finger in the #1 position, i am pretty much on cloud nine. this was a joy of having children that i didn't see coming.

big kid C still brings joy in other ways. for instance, although i get impatient when there is a slow moving train right in the middle of my perfectly good road, he is straining in his seat to see how long it is, what it is carrying and whether it pulls a caboose (a rare occurrence i am surprised to note) . his excitement helps to temper the dread when i see the train crossing arm jerk leisurely down.

i also get a kick out of his special treasures. "can i have that for my collection?" he'll ask of toilet paper tubes and used pudding cups (yes, for the tubes and no way! for the pudding cups)
his current treasure chest is an old mary kay shipping box and it's current contents are as follows: one broken blue plastic camera, one American Legion business card (hello President Lilli!), one mini Tonka truck book, one spinning top, one baby hairbrush, one beaded coin purse, one aquarium harmonica and one silver tin which conceals his "footprints in the sand" keychain (from God), a snowman shaped rubber band bracelet, and a small silver chain.
in this box i see time passing and time standing still.


  1. Just wait until the day when C asks about a piggypile and L comes running in saying "piggypile" with a big smile and they both pile on K laughing. Seriously, the best thing!!

    As a side note, the treasure chest is a great idea!! I was trying to save a toilet paper tube for an art project today but Sparky put it in the bathroom garbage. Oh well. Our ideas of treasures are different I guess.

  2. Emily and her friends used to make 'toilet paper people' from the tubes. I might still have a few around here someplace. Yarn hair, faces from markers, fabric clothes. Hours of fun!!!
