Thursday, February 3, 2011

baby geometry

so if the protractor is the semi circle, then the compass must be the baby with its unmoving point on the mama's nipple and the arm.. well her arm! and what an arc it swings! with a radius no greater than the length of the arm, this living compass can cause quite a bit of mischief.
for starters, have you have ever wondered why babies refuse to wear mittens? it is to increase comedic effect when they come in to eat and place their icicle hands on the warmest part of mom's body. and they must know you can't yell at them for having cold hands..
next come the razor sharp nails that go of in search of new flesh to scratch, but alas they cannot find it. that's right! the limits of the radius confine baby to the same scratching area (much to mom's dismay).
before you started breastfeeding, you probably imagined that the babies under those nursing covers were sucking peacefully. now you wonder why you ever introduced the game of peek-a-boo, as baby doesn't mind playing this while feeding and exposing your breasts to.. everyone!
and finally, the slightly uncomfortable fondling and caressing. Baby L's favorite nursing pastime is simply grabbing the free nipple to hold, flick, pinch (ouch) and wiggle. who knew?

1 comment:

  1. I knew, did I forget to warn you? ;)

    One trick for the scratching and help with the cold hands is to wear a tank top (that gets pulled down) under everthing that gets pulled up. The there's still a thin layer of fabric between those icy little daggers and mommy!
