Tuesday, February 15, 2011

milestone madness

how quickly we forget. baby's eagerly anticipated milestones are really just little jokes on the parents. what makes the joke funnier is how the punch line repeats!

take our sweet tiny electrician. Baby L is the quickest cord finder in the (mid)West. put this baby down on the floor and before you can say "ah yes my baby has met her 9 month milestones" she is grabbing, gooing and preparing to gobble table legs, cement ledges, extension cords. what were we thinking as we cheered her on towards vibrating zebras and rolling bongo drums? did we really delude ourselves into thinking that crawling meant she would zoom from toy to toy happily occupying her time? or perhaps selecting a magazine to page through?
sadly (for a certain three year old boy), the only actual toys she seems to be interested in motoring towards are the ones involving intricate tracks. you know, the ones that mom secretly wants to hide because they require more patience than mom, baby and toddler have in order to reassemble (thanks a lot aunt E.).
thankfully, we won't have to worry about this crawling business much longer because soon she will be walking! oh shoot.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote on the inside edge of our tracks what kind they are and almost wrote which order they go in! We have too many to always do the same track though so I had to leave it flexible. I wrote down a cheat sheet about how each track is made though.
