Monday, April 25, 2011

first steps

baby steps. the image of a babe, tottering about. small steps are what comes to mind, no? but in actuality, baby steps are giant in proportion to babies. and my little one has surprised me yet again.
"are you ready for her to walk?" people have been asking.
"well sure," i reply carelessly, "she's already been crawling all over the place."
so i was picturing horizontal steps across the room, but Baby L had something else up her sleeve: VERTICAL steps!
as in, climbing onto tables and then standing UP on them!
as in, she can make it from the basement to the kitchen in a matter of moments (while mom tries to protect her from big brother's "help")!
as in, positioning forwards, backwards and sideways on a tippy kids chair where baby L's body occasionally becomes trapped by the armrests, thus toppling the chair... along with the baby.
baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. She's just letting you know she's upwardly mobile!
    (please get my lamer joke!)
