Tuesday, January 17, 2012

they say the darndest things

Sometimes what kids say (or hear!) is good for a chuckle. Sadly, I forget most of these hilarious comments, but here are a few that have not yet floated away.
When Big Brother C was angry at his teacher he exclaimed, "I'm gonna get Mrs. Becker!..." (He saw mom's eyebrows go up) and quickly added, "A present". Good save kid, good save.

Or when I didn't want to discourage him from eating a healthy dinner by letting him know what was really in it. I told daddy there were hidden V-E-G-E-T-A-B-L-E-S in it. Four year old C looks at me with wide eyes and asks "Really?" I am so impressed! When has he learned to spell?! Until he adds, "There are REAL letters in this?"

What about Toddler L? Well, I put on her mittens and she says, "AHHHH, NOO!" and shakes her hands vigorously until mittens fly into snowbanks. Then she notices her exposed, cold fingers and shrieks, AHHH, NOOO!" So mommy offers her the now slightly damp mittens and she responds, "Why thank you mama, you are ever so kind. Please forgive me for my previous outburst." Or something like that.

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile! :) I'm so glad to find a way to connect with you from afar! I love reading about your kiddos- so precious! Hopefully we will be able to visit soon & all our kids could play together- they'd love that, & I'd love the time with you!
    Talk to you soon!
