I recently sat down to write a bit on body changes during pregnancy as my friend is putting together a zine with the theme , "CHANGES". Just for "fun", I asked a Milwaukee Moms group to fess up to their worst or most unexpected side effect of pregnancy. For starters, the single question elicited 25 comments from a group of about 100 moms, so I guess I am not the only one interested in sharing on this topic!
On the first day of pregnancy my partner gave to me (ok, maybe not the first day)...
Round ligament pain, hip pain, rib pain, depression, anxiety attacks, excessive thirst, extra sneezes, a clear complexion, obsession with grapefruit, desire to eat charcoal, bad smelling hair, cankle ankles...
Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, or PUPP, for short which is a very itchy rash usually occurring in first pregnancies around week 35 and lasting approximately 6 weeks... (who knew?!) also of note: 70% of women with PUPP give birth to boys,
Hypermesis which is a "severe form of morning sickness with unrelenting, excessive pregnancy-related nausea and/or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids",
Polyhydramnios (excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid in the uterus). "E" states "I ended up with polyhydramnios in my last trimester, i was 28 weeks, but measuring at 34 and each week i went back it increased, to the point where we were 32 weeks and measuring at 42!! i was huge!"
So many big Ch- ch- changes, all thanks to those two little words... "Pregnancy Induced"
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