Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cold Season Already?

Well it's only October, but 3:4 members of this family have already weathered colds. Side effects around the house?
GROSSEST: Big Kid C's garbage can overflowing with used Kleenex... spilled all over the floor
SADDEST: Toddler L's being treated with 3 prescriptions because they weren't sure which of the 3 ailments she really had...
FUNNIEST: Immediately after Daddy clears his throat in the morning, Toddler L attempts to make the same noise. hilarious.
And while on the topic of funny noises, might I mention that Toddler L loves to mimic all funny noises, especially the bodily functions? Just when you think you've gotten away with an unnoticed "toot", you hear an echo from the other room, "ENNNK!"